Expedite your practical use of the rubber dam by avoiding the most common mistakes done by dentists during daily practice.

Get on the fast track to next level results in restorative dentistry by properly integrating rubber dam isolation as a standard way of working.

Raise your confidence while performing rubber dam isolation by knowing the exact armamentarium and protocol.

Rubberdamology Magazine

About Author /

Apokin Alexandr Dmitrievich - a dentist with more than 20 years of experience, conducts an appointment in the city of Moscow in private practice (phone number for making an appointment +74997138004). Author of the book Tooth anatomy and endodontic access Project ideologist DET.expert Author of the original practice for teaching the use of rubberdams Creator and presenter of YouTube channel with unique documentaries Author of the video course on implantation on the system Thommen Medical Opinion leader for Nictone Opinion leader for Polydentia Opinion leader for Palodentplus.ru Opinion leader for Wagotrix Opinion leader for Piezo Academy Opinion leader about IPS Empress Ddirect Opinion leader about Vladmiva Opinion leader about Heraeus Kulzer Opinion leader about Sanctuary Dental Opinion leader about Tor VM Opinion leader about Stomadent Opinion leader about SpiDent Editor and administrator of the site Rubberdamology.org - an international video blog about the use of rubberdams in dentistry and the creation of a textbook on this technique. Editor and site administrator Rubberdamology.pro - an international practical online journal on the use of rubber dams in dentistry. Editor and administrator of the site Rubberdamology.com - an international catalog of scientific materials and courses on the use of rubber dams in dentistry.

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